
Thursday, 23 October 2014

Please pray my heart can make it through !

Hey Lovely followers.

Were do I start this week ... after finally feeling so much better last week after my high risk appointment doctors finally decided they weren't going to induce me as they felt this would cause me more misery and would put me more at risk of needing a section something they are trying to avoid with my heart problems. I left that appointment feeling brilliant that baby Urquhart was going to get the chance to stay put till his/her due date, but that didn't last. On Monday I headed to my midwife appointment  were my blood pressure was high but explaining to her that's my normal she decided to leave me and get the hospital to check it the next again day, things just went from bad to worse going to day assessment at the hospital on Tuesday my blood pressure was high again I was placed on the Ctg  machine to monitor baby Urquhart who as always seems pretty happy with a perfect tracing but this appointment which normally takes about 40 Min's turned into 5 hours of waiting on a doctor. Despite my bloods showing my kidney function is fine I did have protein which shows my kidneys are working harder and could be because of the blood pressure and my ankles and legs are swollen, It was at this point the doctor booked me in to be induced and booked me in for Monday when Baby Urquhart will reach 37 weeks which is 3 weeks before our due date but classed as full term. Being Induced is something that worries me as the doctor explained It could take a few days to get things started and also the labour is going to be more aggressive than if I went into labour myself not to mention I am more at risk of needing a section as being induced might fail. Luckily I didn't get admitted into hospital this time but my beta blockers were increased and the doctor said to rest and hold on for another week as this was best for the baby. I left hospital that day feeling sad, and frustrated that my body is just failing me,but after a good cry and speaking to Dougie about how I was feeling I felt better and at least I get to meet baby Urquhart 3 weeks early not to mention round Halloween time, which is my favourite time of year. My biggest fear isn't even the whole labour part, its being stuck in hospital something that I hate as being stuck in hospital has became part of my daily life and like my home comforts to much, Dougie who knows me to well knew this and keeps telling me to focus on the Price we will have in a few days.

I am hoping things will go smoothly for us all as on Saturday night I started getting braxton hicks that started to become quite painful at one point I thought I was maybe in labour and my midwife says baby's head is engaged and is lying quite low, not to mention the stomach cramps I have had on and off for a few days now which I hope are all good signs that labour is near anyway. I was just over the moon when things didn't happen that weekend as I managed to make it to Lady Gagas art rave concert which was fab and hope baby Urquhart liked her as much as me, its the most movement I have felt off him/her.

36 Week bump :)
my bumps dropping and babys head is engaged :)
boy or girl ???

I hope all my lovely followers can keep me and baby Urquhart in their thoughts and a few prayers that we will both make it through this and my heart will stay strong enough and not race to much and I finally get to meet our little bundle of joy. The doctor described labour as running a marathon without the training so guess this will really test how much my heart can cope.

         Still feeling fine even though my heart keeps racing and blood pressure is high even managed to go to Lady Gagas art rave concert :)

Love and Hugs

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