
Thursday, 23 October 2014

Please pray my heart can make it through !

Hey Lovely followers.

Were do I start this week ... after finally feeling so much better last week after my high risk appointment doctors finally decided they weren't going to induce me as they felt this would cause me more misery and would put me more at risk of needing a section something they are trying to avoid with my heart problems. I left that appointment feeling brilliant that baby Urquhart was going to get the chance to stay put till his/her due date, but that didn't last. On Monday I headed to my midwife appointment  were my blood pressure was high but explaining to her that's my normal she decided to leave me and get the hospital to check it the next again day, things just went from bad to worse going to day assessment at the hospital on Tuesday my blood pressure was high again I was placed on the Ctg  machine to monitor baby Urquhart who as always seems pretty happy with a perfect tracing but this appointment which normally takes about 40 Min's turned into 5 hours of waiting on a doctor. Despite my bloods showing my kidney function is fine I did have protein which shows my kidneys are working harder and could be because of the blood pressure and my ankles and legs are swollen, It was at this point the doctor booked me in to be induced and booked me in for Monday when Baby Urquhart will reach 37 weeks which is 3 weeks before our due date but classed as full term. Being Induced is something that worries me as the doctor explained It could take a few days to get things started and also the labour is going to be more aggressive than if I went into labour myself not to mention I am more at risk of needing a section as being induced might fail. Luckily I didn't get admitted into hospital this time but my beta blockers were increased and the doctor said to rest and hold on for another week as this was best for the baby. I left hospital that day feeling sad, and frustrated that my body is just failing me,but after a good cry and speaking to Dougie about how I was feeling I felt better and at least I get to meet baby Urquhart 3 weeks early not to mention round Halloween time, which is my favourite time of year. My biggest fear isn't even the whole labour part, its being stuck in hospital something that I hate as being stuck in hospital has became part of my daily life and like my home comforts to much, Dougie who knows me to well knew this and keeps telling me to focus on the Price we will have in a few days.

I am hoping things will go smoothly for us all as on Saturday night I started getting braxton hicks that started to become quite painful at one point I thought I was maybe in labour and my midwife says baby's head is engaged and is lying quite low, not to mention the stomach cramps I have had on and off for a few days now which I hope are all good signs that labour is near anyway. I was just over the moon when things didn't happen that weekend as I managed to make it to Lady Gagas art rave concert which was fab and hope baby Urquhart liked her as much as me, its the most movement I have felt off him/her.

36 Week bump :)
my bumps dropping and babys head is engaged :)
boy or girl ???

I hope all my lovely followers can keep me and baby Urquhart in their thoughts and a few prayers that we will both make it through this and my heart will stay strong enough and not race to much and I finally get to meet our little bundle of joy. The doctor described labour as running a marathon without the training so guess this will really test how much my heart can cope.

         Still feeling fine even though my heart keeps racing and blood pressure is high even managed to go to Lady Gagas art rave concert :)

Love and Hugs

Find me also..

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

The feeling of having no choice

Well I wanted to update my blog today, yesterday was an emotional day for me, I headed to my antenatal  class first thing in the morning which I was meant to have finished but because of a mix up with the paper work missed all my classes, so I have started them later, the midwife on the class was shocked that I am 35 weeks as she had her baby at 34 weeks herself and the fact everyone else is only 28 weeks and just starting to talk about labour and what to expect when I may be getting induced in 2 weeks.

 If only Love could cure IST

The sadness I felt at this class just ate away at me the fact everyone else has choice which is something I feel I have never had. I know the doctors and midwife's are only trying to look after me and baby Urquhart but I still couldn't help feel disappointed. I would of loved to have went to the lovely new birthing suite in the hospital and have a water birth .. but this was something that was a huge no the fact that the birthing unit is only midwife run were doctors are not able to monitor my heart or control my pain levels to control my heart, I am also finding it hard to deal with the fact baby Urquhart might be arriving early, I cannot wait to meet him or her but even though doctors are saying 37 weeks is full term I still feel being induced 3 weeks early fills me with anxiety as I would rather wait till baby Urquhart is ready to come into the world as my husband described it he/she hasn't packed its little bags yet. All through my pregnancy I have just wanted the best for my baby and the whole day yesterday after leaving that class just filled me with guilt and sadness that because of me and my problems my poor little baby who doctors say is happy and healthy is going to be brought into this world early ... all that I hope for now is we make it to 37 weeks and if the worst does happen of being induced 3 weeks early that baby Urquhart is strong enough.

After my class I headed to the hospital were I get seen twice a week in the day assessment unit, the same routine of my blood pressure getting checked just drains me a day of not having doctors or hospitals would be lovely, and yet again midwife's were shocked how much my blood pressure jumps about sometimes just sitting up on the bed causes it to go high, I received another scan were baby Urquhart was moving his/her hands about this is the only bonus of all my hospital appointments is seen our little baby's face.

I received this lovely letter and stickers today off another heart Arrhythmia Sufferer 
meeting people who are sharing the same battle helps millions xxx

Last week I also made a video on IST which I posted to you tube which I am hoping will spread awareness showing others what Its really like to have IST and how it affects your life and so far have been getting a few nice comments about the video ... please if you have a spare 5 minutes take a look and give it a thumbs up :)... keep spreading awareness on a condition that medical staff don't take seriously and please feel free to share this video or my blog.

Just click the link to view the video I created ... 5 minutes and give it a thumbs up and keep spreading awareness on this condition.

Well I thought I would do some positive thoughts for a Wednesday because despite the way I feel I
am really lucky to have the life I do have.

I'm 23 years old and 36 weeks pregnant on Monday.
My heart has managed to behave pretty well throughout pregnancy and have had the bonus of not fainting.
My little Baby is growing nicely. :-)
It absolutely amazes me what my sick body can do!
I have an amazing, hard-working husband who supports and looks after me each day he is my complete rock and believes in me through everything.
I have amazing family and friends and wouldn't be the strong person I am without any of them and I am bridesmaid at my best friends wedding in August.
I've been walking most days to exercise despite it being hard I take my time,
Finally the hot summer is gone ... and the cold weather is coming in I can finally enjoy doing things without the heat sending my heart to beat to fast.

Love and Hugs

Monday, 13 October 2014

Strong mummies really do make strong babies

Hey Everyone

I should of updated sooner as I have so much to fill you in with and you think with being on Maternity leave I would have all the time in the world... but for me most days are spent at the hospital. I have reached 35 weeks today... and I am so happy and blessed me and baby Urquhart have made it this far with good health, It has definitely  been a rollercoaster but with each passing week I am closer to meeting my little miracle.

After my last post were I spoke about being admitted into hospital again thankfully things have been going a little more smoothly, I still attend the day assessment clinic at the hospital every Tuesday and Friday were I get bloods took my blood pressure, heart rate checked and also baby Urquhart gets a tracing done... who can be one little mr or madam who clearly doesn't like the pressing and the monitor, its only on one occasion he/she was sleepy and not moving and the midwife gave me cold water to wake him or her up to get a decent tracing. Last Friday I was on the monitor for 2 full hours as he/she wouldn't stop moving, the midwife kept saying baby's are active for about 20 mins at a time and then rest not our little baby who was moving so much the midwife finally had to give up after the 2 hours, but on this same day I got another scan to check the fluid around the baby who was seen practicing to breath this time and also he/she has a head of hair already.
Baby Urquhart at 33 weeks 4 days .. he/she was seen practicing breathing and also has a head of hair :)

My 34 week Bump baby Urquhart seems to grow every week and started getting pelvic pain this week, but my heart is still behaving.

This week along with my appointments I managed to spend a night in Glasgow with Dougie were we seen the show Still game, the first time we have had a little night out together in ages :)

                            Me and Dougie enjoyed our night in Glasgow seeing Still game :)

On Friday I had a day booked of appointments at the hospital  my first one was day assessment were they ran an hour behind so ended up having to go to my second appointment  first which was to see anesthetics  were we spoke about my heart history and she advised that in her opnion it was best to have the epidural to control my pain which would help control my heart, I then had my growth scan booked were baby Urquhart is weighing an amazing 5 pound 6 and again we were told Its definitely not a baldy baby, baby Urquhart was seen practicing to breath again and was also pouting its lips this time.
Baby Urquharts little foot :)

  Baby Urquhart at 34 weeks 4 days who definitely isn't a baldy baby and was pouting its lips

After the growth scan I had to go back to day assesment were luckly the doctor came to see me and again baby Urquhart is one monkey who was moving so much the machine was alarming the doctor ended up turning it off. The doctors are happy with the size of baby Urquhart and are hoping I can make it to 37 weeks and may look at inducing me then so I now have appoitments to be seen at the high risk clinic every Friday, me and Dougie are shocked and nervous but excited that we could be meeting our little baby in just 14 days time a whole 3 weeks early.

On Saturday I had the most amazing baby shower thanks to my husband, brother and his girlfriend who done it all for me, baby Urquhart was one spoilt baby who has so much already we are both so lucky to have amazing family and friends in our life who are all so excited to meet baby Urquhart and who all argue already who's getting to babysit first, me and Dougie definitely wouldn't be short of baby sitters.

 The cake my brother and his girlfriend got made :)

 Dougie made all the food.

 Some party games pin the dummy on the baby... mine was the worst.

 Baby Urquhart is one lucky baby.

 Family and friends are everything.
 Twinkle Twinkle little star how we wonder what you are ... after all our scans we still haven't found out boy or girl.... mum still says pink ... dad blue.

Lots of Love and Hugs