I haven't posted in a few months as life's been like a rollercoaster. I had another 24 Hour ECG done and I am now going for a tilt table test in a few weeks, I also had bloods done again and got my adrenaline levels checked, during this time I was admitted to hospital again with a low heart rate as I ended up been so sensitive to the new drugs to treat Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia, during this time me and my husband Dougie have discovered our little miracle that we are expecting a little baby round about November we couldn't be more happier but have to say I am pretty nervous how my heart will react to all this but we are talking each day at a time. I also recently shared my story to the Heart Rhythm charity which has been published on there website, as I want to raise as much awareness as possible and to help others with this condition and hopefully maybe one day more research will be carried out on this condition so others like myself can lead a normal life. I also just returned back to work this week since my failed heart ablation and even though I am only working two 5 hour shifts I am finding it difficult but lots of rest on my days off should do the trick. I also recently started a new hobby as I did start to get bored been off work for so long and started making red and clear bracelets with heart charms which I am making and selling to raise money to donate to the heart rhythm charity who have gave me lots of support and information on this condition. I also spoke with a lovely women named Kathy who's story is also available on the website and it was thanks to Kathy that the British Heart Foundation and the Heart Rhythm Charity added Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia to there information and pages which has been a huge help to myself and I am sure others have found it useful.
If you would like to read my story of living with Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia just click the link
Also if you would like to donate money to the charity click on this link.
After the storm comes the rainbow our little miracle after everything
Our Little Miracle Baby Urquhart only 7 weeks and 2 days here with a Strong little Heartbeat
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